The following topic is crucial as it is being used to funnel unbelievable amounts of money into a problem that doesn’t exist.  “Green” solutions are a gigantic scam that often are fraught with their own dangers that nobody wants to talk about.  Wind turbines, geoengineering, electric cars, 15 minute cities, Smart Meters, 5G, carbon removal plants, AI, and solar power all have inherent dangers to the environment and human/biologic health, and many simply don’t work or work efficiently enough to warrant the risk.  I encourage you to please learn about the down sides of these technologies.

Lyme/MSIDS patients are often sensitive to environmental toxins.  ALL of these technologies fall into that category and can affect health.

Top Study: Carbon Emissions CANNOT Cause ‘Global Warming’

A bombshell new peer-reviewed study has provided conclusive scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “global warming.”

Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned Polish scientists to study the impact of increases in CO2 emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures.

However, not only did they find that higher levels of CO2 made no difference, but they also proved that it simply isn’t possible for increases in carbon dioxide to cause temperatures to rise.

Kubicki and his team recently published three papers which all conclude that Earth’s atmosphere is already “saturated” with carbon dioxide.

This saturation means that, even at greatly increased levels of CO2, the “greenhouse gas” will not cause temperatures to rise.

Kubicki et al. summarize their evidence by noting that as a result of saturation, “emitted CO2 does not directly cause an increase in global temperature.”

Current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are around 418 parts per million (ppm) but the scientists state that past 400 ppm, “the CO2 concentration can no longer cause any increase in temperature.”

The saturation of CO2 in the atmosphere is the hypothesis that dares not speak its name in mainstream media, politics, and across much of climate science.

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” collectivism agenda is doomed without the constant fearmongering of a so-called “climate crisis.” (See link for article)



“I assert there is no connection whatsoever between climate change and CO2it’s all a crock of crap, in my opinion.” ~ Dr. John Clauser, 2022 Nobel physics laureate

Clauser also states that the accepted narrative and ‘misguided’ climate science about ‘climate change’ reflects a corruption of science and has ‘metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience.

Sixteen hundred scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating that claims of a ‘climate emergency’ threatening the earth are a hoax.

The World Climate Declaration (WCD) insists that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth.

Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.” ~ WCD

The group points out that the Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed and there is no cause for alarm when this happens.

For more:

WEF Calls for ’24-Hour Monitoring’ of the Public

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing for the “24-hour monitoring” of the general public using “biometric sensors—on, or even inside their bodies.

Details of the plan were revealed by Yuval Noah Harari, a senior advisor to the WEF and its founder Klaus Schwab.

According to Harari, a self-described “transhumanist” who is credited as the architect behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda, tracking the public 24/7 will help globalists provide them with “much better healthcare.”

Harari claims that the technology will give Big Tech companies, including Facebook and Google, access to the 24-hour flow of data.

Alarmingly, Harari also suggested that the Chinese Communist Party would “constantly monitor what’s happening” inside the bodies of the general public.

During an interview, Harari claims:

“Most people will be willing to give up their privacy in exchange for much better healthcare, based on 24-hour monitoring of what’s happening inside their bodies.”

“Very soon, people will walk around with biometric sensors—on, or even inside their bodies—and will allow Google, or Facebook, or the Chinese government, or whoever, to constantly monitor what’s happening inside [their] body.”  (See link for article and interview)



Ask yourself a few important questions:

  1. Do you trust those in control have your best interests in mind?
  2. Could this technology be used against you or someone else?
  3. Do you really believe this will cause “better healthcare?”
  4. How long will it take before dissenters are persecuted simply for having a different opinion?
  5. How safe is this technology?
  6. Do you really want your brain read and manipulated?
  7. Do you believe in enforced global ‘vaccination’?
  8. Do you know many took the COVID gene therapy injection to keep their jobs and then regretted it?
  9. Are you willing to give up your personal freedom and thoughts for convenience?

For more:

Once in a while you are forever changed by a book.

One such book for me is called Health and Light: The Extraordinary Study that Shows How Light Affects Your Health and Emotional Well Being, by photobiologist Dr. John Nash Ott, known as the father of full-spectrum lighting and time lapse photography.

Ott’s experiments led him to believe that only a full spectrum of natural light (including natural amounts of infrared and ultraviolet) can promote full health in plants, animals, and humans.


Exploring the Spectrum

Dr. John Ott documentary

Ott’s ingenious experiments on plants and laboratory animals reveal the importance of full-spectrum light for health and life.  At about 44:00 Ott mentions a 1964 paper presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics meeting in NYC on “tired child syndrome.” The severity of the symptoms was directly related to the amount of time they spent watching TV. Wanting to rule out overstimulation as a cause, Ott put bean plants in front of the TV for 6 hours each weekday and 10 hours on Saturdays and Sunday – the same amount of time the children were watching TV.  Then he did the same with white rats followed by autopsies.  The negative results were obvious.

At 48:00 a real life experiment was done in a classroom where some children struggled with hyperactivity.  After ninety days, they replaced the cool white fluorescent tubes with full-spectrum fluorescent tubes with radiation shields.  The results were astonishing for the hyperactive children labeled with learning disorders, but beyond that every student improved.

Imagine what would be found today with all the cell phone, TV, and computer/tablet use.

Understanding the importance of natural sunlight on human and biological health makes the government’s goal of dimming the sun yet more ominous.

Adding insult to injury, at 1:18:38, he shows the negative effects of radar used at the airport 14 miles away on aphids on the leaves of an orange tree.  Every few seconds the aphids would tense up in unison at the same interval of time which coincided exactly with the rotation of the radar rotor device.

Ott also wrote “My Ivory Cellar” on time-lapse photography, “Exploring the Spectrum,” and “Light, Radiation, and You: How to Stay Healthy.”  I recommend them all.  You will never look at lighting the same again.

The Government’s Stupid Ban of Incandescent Lightbulbs

As always, the government is interfering in the marketplace to dictate our behavior without regard for the harms caused by its myopic meddling.

May 2, 2024

(Photo by Benkonon/Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, a leading world expert on circadian clocks and light, has an article in Psychology Today titled “Banned in the US: Healthy Light Bulbs“, which explains how government regulations aim to effectively ban incandescent lightbulbs in favor of LED bulbs.

This is being done under the guise of climate activism on the grounds that LED bulbs are more energy efficient, but the problem is that most LEDs emit a narrow spectrum with lots of blue light, which has harmful health effects.

The government as usual is interfering in the marketplace, trying to dictate our behavior in every aspect of our lives, with total disregard for the extraordinary harms caused by its myopic meddling.

Incandescent bulbs emit a broader spectrum including infrared light and so more closely mimic the health-supportive light we would get from the sun if we didn’t spend so much of our day indoors with our “modern” lifestyles. (I’m putting the word in quotation marks since I’m firmly convinced that someday when humankind becomes civilized, people will look back at our present era and view us as a bunch of barbarians.)

As Moore-Ede explains, sunlight exposure regulates our circadian rhythm, whereas evidence indicates that excessive blue light after sunset suppresses melatonin production and disrupts the regenerative powers of sleep in ways that increase the risk of cancer (See link for article)

The Neuroscience Behind Sunlight’s Benefits: A Ray of Hope for Mental Health 🧠

How Sunlight Enhances Mood, Sleep, & Cognitive Performance

Dr. Huberman’s Sunlight Morning Routine


  • Sunlight positively affects key brain regions, including the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and striatum.
  • Sunlight’s evolutionary benefits include regulating the circadian rhythm and providing essential Vitamin D for calcium absorption.
  • Sunlight can improve mood regulation, sleep, cognitive function, and attention, and memory while reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.
  • Low Vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and various mental health disorders.
  • Prioritizing sunlight exposure is important for overall mental and physical health, but caution is necessary to prevent skin damage.

Red Light Therapy Webinar (5/9/24, 4pm, ET)


To my fellow Lyme fighters, I’m with you. Your pain is my pain.

By Shirley Strong

Dear Lyme Disease Doctors and Everyone Who Cares:

I’m reaching out to share something really important and close to my heart. This isn’t just about me. It’s about all of us who are fighting Lyme disease, and it’s about the friends I’ve lost along the way.

Yes, I’ve lost friends to this disease, and it hurts like nothing else. I’ve been fighting Lyme for over 13 years now, and it’s been tough. Not just the disease itself, but trying to get the help I need and seeing others struggle too.

The biggest problem we’re facing isn’t just the sickness. It’s how hard it is to get the right care without breaking the bank. I’ve been there, trying to make ends meet while knowing I need treatment I just can’t afford. It feels like if you don’t have the money, you don’t get the help. That’s not right. I’ve worked hard all my life, and when you need help the most, it should be there for you.

Not just about money

But here’s the thing – it’s not just about the money. It’s about losing people. Friends I’ve laughed with, cried with, and hoped with. They’re not just numbers; they were real people who had their lives cut short by Lyme disease. And every time we lose someone, it hits me hard because I know I could be next. That fear never goes away.

So, what am I asking for? I want us to do better. For doctors to really listen and help us. For everyone to understand that Lyme disease can destroy lives and families. And for some compassion from a system that seems to forget we’re human beings just trying to survive.

To my fellow Lyme fighters, I’m with you. Your pain is my pain. We’ve got to keep pushing for change, for better treatment, and for hope. We owe it to those we’ve lost to not give up. Let’s make sure our voices are heard. Let’s fight for a future where Lyme disease isn’t a death sentence or a financial ruin. We deserve better, and it’s time we get it.

Shirley Strong lives in Illinois. This blog was originally posted on her Facebook page.



It is my educated opinion that this moving forward will NEVER happen via government-funded research.  I think 40 years has shown this statement to be true and not simply opinion.  This means that advocacy groups still working with the CDC/NIH/NIAD, etc. are barking up the wrong tree and simply wasting time and money.

This may sound harsh, especially if you are uneducated about the sordid back-story and biased research, and trust me when I say I wish this wasn’t so, but alas it simply is what it is.

The only forward progress we’ve made is by independent researchers, often infected themselves, who look harder because their very lives depend upon it.  

http://  Approx. 22 Min

Greatest Medical Scandal in UK

Andrew Bridgen speaks to an empty, bought-out Parliament about excess deaths


“We are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory, and possibly ever: the excess deaths in 2022 and 2023. Its causes are complex, but the novel and untested medical treatment described as a covid vaccine is a large part of the problem. I have been called an anti-vaxxer, as if I have rejected those vaccines based on some ideology. I want to state clearly and unequivocally that I have not: in fact, I am double vaccinated and vaccine-harmed. Intelligent people must be able to tell when people are neither pro-vax nor anti-vax, but are against a product that does not work and causes enormous harm to a percentage of the people who take it. I am proud to be one of the few Members of Parliament with a science degree. It is a great shame that there are not more Members with a science background in this place; maybe if there were, there would be less reliance on Whips Office briefings and more independent research, and perhaps less group-think. I say to the House in all seriousness that this debate and others like it are going to be pored over by future generations, who will be genuinely agog that the evidence has been ignored for so long, that genuine concerns were disregarded, and that those raising them were gaslit, smeared and vilified.

One does not need any science training at all to be horrified by officials deliberately hiding key data in this scandal, which is exactly what is going on. The Office for National Statistics used to release weekly data on deaths per 100,000 in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations—it no longer does so, and no one will explain why. The public have a right to that data. There have been calls from serious experts, whose requests I have amplified repeatedly in this House, for what is called record-level data to be anonymized and disclosed for analysis. That would allow meaningful analysis of deaths after vaccination, and settle once and for all the issue of whether those experimental treatments are responsible for the increase in excess deaths.

Far more extensive and detailed data has already been released to the pharma companies from publicly funded bodies. Jenny Harries, head of the UK Health Security Agency, said that this anonymized, aggregate death by vaccination status data is “commercially sensitive” and should not be published. The public are being denied that data, which is unacceptable; yet again, data is hidden with impunity, just like in the Post Office scandal…..”  Go you Youtube link for entire transcript.


Things are just as bad in New Zealand.

Journalist, Liz Gunn and leader of the NZ Loyal Party has been targeted by the New Zealand Employee Relations Authority and received a letter from a lawyer to take down whistleblower Barry Young‘s content about the COVID injuries and deaths or go to jail for months, face a 40K fine, and face a police raid where they will confiscate her equipment.  Scroll to the 5 Min mark to hear about Young’s details including the fact he will be in the Wellington District Court on April 23.   

She warns that she is the ‘canary in the coal-mine,’ and represents what is going to happen to everyone in New Zealand.  I would add – for the rest of the world if we don’t stand up & refuse.

Gunn also states she’s had an internal saboteur, those who mercilessly troll her work, and attacks even from within the freedom movement. The government itself has shut down the NZ Loyal Party’s bank account that she is a part of, and has required extensive amounts of paperwork stretching the already small voluntary staff.

Gunn has already been raided arrested (as has Barry Young) but both were released.